Wayne Transports, Inc.

58 Years of Proud Service


General Offices
Email Directory


Wayne Transports, Inc. transports gasoline, fuels, ethanol and motor oils throughout the Upper Midwest.  We can also meet your needs for transportation of aviation fuels, anhydrous ammonia, and LPG throughout the lower 48 states from locations in the Upper Midwest.

Petroleum Division Key Benefits

  • 95 units located at terminals throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin
  • 24 hour 7 day per week dispatch and delivery service
  • Radio or cell phone equipped trucks
  • Fully trained and qualified drivers
  • Inventory control with proven results
  • PRIMARY OPERATING AREA: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Michigan
  • SECONDARY OPERATING AREA: Lower 48 states from locations in the Upper Midwest


ContactsHH01499A.gif (1090 bytes)

Central Dispatch

Minneapolis/St Paul 800-999-2963
Local 651-437-6422
Petroleum Email Petroleum Email 

Sauk Centre/Alexandria Minnesota

Sauk Centre 800-458-0028
Local 320-352-3194

Virginia Minnesota and Northern Minnesota

Virginia Minnesota 800-519-2660
Local 218-749-6050

Junction City and  Mid Wisconsin

Junction City Wisconsin 715-457-4774
Junction City Email Junction City Email

Sales and Rates

Sales and Rates 800-788-0502
Local 651-438-6412
Sales and Rates Email Petroleum Sales

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Send all questions and comments of this website to dalef@waynetransports.com
Copyright 2004 � Wayne Transports, Inc.    
Last modified Friday, May 15, 2009